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1-36 Products of 276

Dragoner-Abzeichen - Bandschnalle 40 x 13 mm

Dragoner-Abzeichen - Bandschnalle 40 mm

14,95 Ribbon bar 40 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Europäisches Polizei-Leistungsabzeichen Bronze

Europäisches Polizei-Leistungsabzeichen (EPLA), Bronze

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Europäisches Polizei-Leistungsabzeichen, Gold


7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
WEU Mape - Military Advisory Police Element

WEU Mape - Military Advisory Police Element

6,90 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Ehrenzeichen Gold für Verdienste im Brandschutz (Polen)

Fire brigade - Medal of Honor PL

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Dancon March Afghanistan

Dancon March Afghanistan

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Blutspendemedaille der Österr. Albert-Schweitzer-Gesellschaft

Medal for Donation / Spendenmedaille ÖASG

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
DANCON Marsch 2013

DANCON March 2013

10,95 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
CSLI Nominierungsmedaille

CSLI Nomination Medal

10,95 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Volunteers Medal

UN-Volunteers Medal

0,00 Full Size Medal 35 mm
IML Spanien mit Metallauflage

International Marching League - Caminada Internacional de Barcelona - IML-Spanien

8,25 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
ESDP-Einsatzmedaille - EUNAVFOR Atalanta (SUPPORT / blau-weiß)

ESDP-Service medal - EUNAVFOR Atalanta (SUPPORT / blau-weiß)

9,25 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
55. Berner Distanzmarsch - 2011

55th Berner Distance March 2011

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Silberne Ehrennadel des Deutschen Feuerwehrverbandes

Silverne Ehrennadel des Deutschen Feuerwehrverbandes

18,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
ESDP-Einsatzmedaille - EUBAM/Libyia (HQ / blau-gelb)

ESDP-Service medal - EUBAM/Libyia (HQ / blue-yellow)

9,25 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
IML-England - Wellingborough 25 km Cycle

IML-England - Wellingborough 25 km Cycle

8,25 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Medaille Ungarn

Medal Hungarian

8,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
ESDP-Einsatzmedaille - EUTM Somalia (SUPPORT / blau-weiß)

ESDP-Service medal - EUTM Somalia (SUPPORT / blue-white)

9,25 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations

Miniatur-Medaille 16 mm ESDP - EUFOR RD CONGO

28,75 Miniature Medal 16 mm with needle / needle lock
ESDP-Einsatzmedaille - EUAM IRAQ (blau-gelb)

Clasp for ribbon bar ESDP-Service medal - EUAM IRAQ

25,75 only for internal use (bill of material)
Bandschnalle Österreich

Bandschnalle Austria

9,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Ehrenzeichen STK Lettenreuth (Gold)

Ehrenzeichen STK Lettenreuth (Gold)

18,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
DANCON March (AFG / Kabul)

DANCON Masch Afghanistan

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
ESDP-Einsatzmedaille - EUPOL COPPS (SUPPORT / blau-weiß)

ESDP-Service medal - EUPOL COPPS (SUPPORT / blau-weiß)

9,25 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
ESDP-Einsatzmedaille - EUPOL COPPS (HQ / blau-gelb)

ESDP-Service medal - EUPOL COPPS (HQ / blue-yellow)

9,25 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
ESDP-Einsatzmedaille - ARTEMIS (HQ / blau-gelb)

ESDP-Service medal - ARTEMIS (HQ / blue-yellow)

9,25 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
ESDP-Einsatzmedaille - ARTEMIS (SUPPORT / blau-weiß)

ESDP-Service medal - ARTEMIS (SUPPORT / blau-weiß)

9,25 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Verdienstkreuz - FKHuDM

Verdienst-Kreuz FKHuDM

7,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Verdienstmedaille FKHuDM

Verdienstmedaille - Freundeskreis Hoch- und Deutschmeister (FKHuDM) Mannheim / Baden

7,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Norwegischen Schwimmabzeichens Store Havhesten (Großes Seepferdchen)

Norwegischen Schwimmabzeichens 'Store Havhesten' (Großes Seepferdchen)

8,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
ESDP-Einsatzmedaille - EUAM/Ukraine (HQ / blau-gelb)

ESDP-Service medal - EUBAM/Ukraine (HQ / blue-yellow)

9,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Ordre Laffajet Auszeichnung (Frankreich)

Ordre Laffajet-Abzeichen (Frankreich)

9,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Luxemburgisches Reservisten Sportleistungsabzeichen

Luxemburgisches Reservisten Sportleistungsabzeichen

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations


7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
ESDP-Einsatzmedaille - EUNAVFOR Atalanta (HQ / blau-gelb)

ESDP-Service medal - EUNAVFOR Atalanta (HQ / blue-yellow)

9,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
ESDP-Einsatzmedaille - EUBAM/Libyia (SUPPORT / blau-weiß)

ESDP-Service medal - EUBAM/Libyia (SUPPORT / blau-white)

9,25 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations

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