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1-18 Products of 18

Medaille Bronze Humanitaire

Bronze Humanitaire

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Internationale Fw-Bandschnalle - Gelb mit schwarz-grünem Doppel-Streifen

Internationale Fw-Bandschnalle - Gelb mit schw.-grünem Doppel-Streifen - Bandschnallen 25 x 13 mm

16,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Ehrenmedaille der Afrikanischen Union (Bandschnalle 25 x 13 mm ohne Auflage)

Ehrenmedaille der Afrikanischen Union (Bandschnalle ohne Auflage)

5,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Medal Prevention-Assistance-Rescue

Medal Prevention-Assistance-Rescue

9,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
International Veteran Millenium Medal 2000

International Veteran Medal 2000

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Ehren-Ritterkreuz des Deutschherrenordens

Ehren-Ritterkreuz des Deutschherrenordens - 25 mm

6,90 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Verdienstmedaille des Ordens Pro Merito Melitensi

"Verdienst-Kreuz ""Pro Merito Melitensi"""

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Internationale Feuerwehr-Bandschnalle

International Ribbon bar

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Ehrenmedaille der Afrikanischen Union - mit Auflage

Medal of Honor - Africasn Union - AMIS

7,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Franco-Brittanic/ Partnerschaftsauszeichnung des Ordre Lafajett

Franco-Brittanic/ Partnerschaftsauszeichnung des Ordre Lafajett

9,95 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Magenot Abzeichen (Frankreich)

Magenot-Auszeichnung (Frankreich)

8,35 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Cruz Peruana - Al Merito Militar

Cruz Peruana

8,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Lebanon Military Valor Medal

Lebanon Military Valor

7,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Medal Servicios Distinguidos a la Fuerza Submarina

Afghanistan Freedom Medal

12,00 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Bandschnalle Templerorden (sanitäts-blau/schwarz)

Grundzeichen Bandschnalle sanitäts-blau

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Medalla Servicios Distinguidos (Venezolanischer Orden)

Cruz Peruana

12,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Cruz Peruana al Merito Naval (Peruanischen Orden)

Cruz Peruana

12,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
Hawaii National Guard Achievement Medal (HNGAM)

Bronze Humanitaire

13,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations