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1-36 Products of 77

UNMIK - United Nation Mission in Kosovo
UN-Mission UNIKOM - Irak - 1991

UN-Mission UNIKOM - Irak - 1991

7,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Mission UNOSOM - Somalia 1992
UN-Mission MINUGUA - Guatemala - 1994

UN-Mission MINUGUA - Guatemala - 1994

6,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Einsatzmedaille - UNDOF - Golan-Höhen

UN-Mission Golan-Area - service medal UNDOF

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Mission - Einsatzmedaille UNIFIL

UN-Mission - Service Medal UNIFIL

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Mission Jugoslawien - UNPROFOR
UN-Medal - UNAMIR - Ruanda Medaille

UN-Mission Ruanda - Service Medal UNAMIR

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN Special Service Medal

UN Special Service Medal

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Volunteers Medal

UN-Volunteers Medal

0,00 Full Size Medal 35 mm
UN Protection Forces - Sonderanfertigung

UN Protection Forces

16,25 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UNMIK - United Nation Mission in Kosovo

UNMIK - Kosovo

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UNMIK - United Nation Mission in Kosovo - Bandsteg 8 x 11 mm mit Stift

UNMIK - United Nation Mission in Kosovo - Bandsteg

11,90 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN - Mission in Bosnien - Herzegowina

UN-Mission Bosnien-Herzegowina - UNMIBH

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN Mission in Bosnien-Herzegowina - Original-Medaille
UN-Mission UNAMIC - Kambodscha (1) - 1992

UN-Mission UNAMIC - Kambodscha (1) - 1992

9,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Mission UNAMIC - Kambodscha (1) - 1992
UN-Mission UNOSOM - Somalia 1992

UN-Mission - UNOSOM - Somalia 1992

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Mission UNTAC - Kambodscha (2) 1993

UN-Mission - UNTAC (Kamb. 2)

6,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Mission UNTAC - Kambodscha (2) 1993

UN-Mission UNTAC - Kambodscha (2) 1993

25,75 Full Size Medal 35 mm
UN-Mission UNOMIG - Georgien 1994

UN-Mission UNOMIG - Georgien - 1994

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Mission UNOMIG - Georgien - 1994

UN-Mission UNOMIG - Georgien - 1994

25,75 Full Size Medal 35 mm
UN-Mission MINUGUA - Guatemala - 1994
UN-Mission UNAMET - Ost-Timor - 1999

UN-Mission - UNAMET

6,50 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Mission UNAMET - Ost-Timor - 1999
UM-Medal - UNAVEM - Angola

UN-Mission Angola - Service medal UNAVEM

12,50 Full Size Medal 35 mm
Einsatzzeichen für UN-Einsatz - UNSTO, UNOGIL & ONUC

UN-Mission - Service medal UNSTO, UNOGIL & ONUC

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Mission - Iran/Irak 1988-91 - UNIIMOG

UN-Mission - Iran/Irak 1988-91 - Service Medal UNIIMOG

10,95 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Mission - Einsatzmedaille UNIFIL
UN-Medal - UNFICYP - Cyprus / Zypern

UN-Mission Cyprus - Service Medal UNFICYP

12,50 Full Size Medal 35 mm
UN Einsatz Mali - Mission MINUSMA

"UN-Mission - Mail - Service Medal ""MINUSMA"""

9,25 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Einsatz - Süd-Sudan - UNMISS

UN-Mission - South Sudan - - Service Medal UNMISS

10,95 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Einsatz - Western Sahara - MINURSO

UN-Missin West Sahara - - Service Medal - MINURSO

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Einsatz - Yugoslavia 1992-93 - UNPROFOR

UN-Mission Yugoslavia 1992-93 - Service Medal - UNPROFOR

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Medaille - ONUMOZ - Mozambique

UN-Mission - Service Medal ONUMOZ-Mozambique

7,75 Ribbon bar 25 x 13 mm - suitable for the German mountain bar system used for THW / the fire brigades / and the German Army (Bundeswehr) and other organizations
UN-Medal - UNAMIR - Ruanda Medaille

UN-Mission Ruanda - Service medal - UNAMIR

21,75 Full Size Medal 35 mm

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